Patient Information

The BalanceWear® vest is a unique aid for balance and coordination problems. The vest uses a discrete weight system to provide information to the nervous system, thereby affecting the user’s balance. Flexible weights are placed in the vest using a Velcro system. The vest is easy to wear and there are two models – one with a lumbar belt and one without. Typical disorders where BalanceWear® can help:

  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Ataxia
  • Parkinson’s disease
  • Apoplexia
  • Neuropathy
  • Elderly people with balance problems
  • Cerebral palsy (including in children)

A course of treatment with a BalanceWear® certified physiotherapist usually consists of two consultations. At the first consultation (about 1.5 hours), the patient is thoroughly examined and tested in order to identify their balance problems. The patient then receives a test vest, which is adjusted until the balance is optimally improved. If the patient responds positively to the vest and wishes to buy it, the subsequent consultation will deal with adjusting the individually adapted vest. The vest must be continuously adjusted, initially after about 3 months (this is not included in the sale price). A period of adaptation should be anticipated after receiving the vest. Patients usually start by wearing the vest for a few hours daily. This will gradually increase over time. Several municipalities have provided grants to citizens for the vest under §112 “Statutory instrument on assistance for acquiring aids and consumer goods according to the Social Services Act.” Skodsborg Fysioterapi is the first physiotherapy clinic in Europe that is certified for the examination, testing and fitting of BalanceWear®. Subsequently, several clinics in Denmark and Sweden have been certified (refer to “find clinic”). Video: Belinda, who suffers from MS: Teresa, who suffers from Ataxia: 


Belinda, who suffers from MS

Teresa, who suffers from Ataxia

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